Blog – Mark

Do you believe in visualization? Lately I’ve been watching a lot of videos on Youtube about the power of visualizing your goals into reality. It’s about living your dreams and not your nightmares. One of my best motivational speakers goes by the name “Les Brown”. His speeches are very moving to me. It’s like taking a morning vitamin of pure life and energy. It gives me the confidence and energy I need to get through the day. Also I listen to a compilation of speakers from many different genres. Some are movie stars, sportsmen, world leaders, and regular individuals who strive and are destined for greatness. So if you need a little “pick me upper” in your day then I recommend listening to different motivational speakers and find the ones that moves you best. I swear to you it works, PEACE!
visualization: 視覚化
compilation: 編集物
strive: 努力する
destine: 運命づける
motivational speaker:動機付けスピーカー
中でもマーク先生がYoutubeではまっているのが アメリカのLes Brownという人で、米下院議員、著者、ラジオDJ、
Buffet Party!!
So my wife and I decided we wanted to pig out today. We chose the Prince Hotel in Shinagawa. HAPUNA LUXE DINING. This place is amazing! So many different varieties of foods to choose from! It’s like heaven for people who loves to eat lol. When I arrived, the first thing I dove into was the crab legs. It was an all you eat buffet so that’s exactly what I did. I ate all the crab legs I could. Then I got sick… what a bummer. I ate that seafood like a wild man! Maybe I shouldn’t have but at least a brother got his money’s worth. Ha-ha got you suckers!
面白いネイティブの表現として、”pig out” (大食いする)というのがあります。lol はアメリカの絵文字です。
シャリカ先生の休日日記 ~奈良 室生山公園芸術森~
Hello, everyone.
Happy New Year.
I hope that you ended 2019 with a blast and I am wishing for a prosperous New Year. May we all be blessed this 2020.
Last New Year holiday, I got some free time, so I decided to go to Kansai area with my friends. There’s this place that I’ve been dying to visit the first time I saw its picture. This place is not as popular as other tourist spots in Japan. Only a few people are aware of it as well. It’s located in the remote part of western Nara. Let me tell you more about it.
The place I’m talking about is Muro Art Forest. Have you heard of it before? It’s an open-air museum and park in the heart of Muro village. It is a 700 meters (2,300 feet) in length park. It is originally conceptualized by Bukichi Inoue, a local sculptor and the varied art pieces in the park were designed by renowned Israeli sculptor, Dani Karavan. The art used was based on the theme “Harmony between Nature and Art”.
This place is a family-friendly destination. It is a perfect place to relax and escape from the bustle of everyday life. It’s such a peaceful place. I hope you’ll get a chance to see and visit this place. For you to get to there, you have to go hiking for 30 minutes, not to mention the train and bus rides for long hours. It may be difficult to get there but it’s all worth it.
Let me share a picture of me in my favorite art piece.
I hope you’ll like it.